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ObvioHealth & Hyfe AI

Advanced the field of cough analysis through the development of a robust diarization model utilizing cutting-edge machine-learning methodologies.

Machine Learning Engineer

October 2022 - March 2023

Pytorch, Lightning, Hydra, Speechbrain

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Although I cannot publicly disclose the details of my two quarter capstone with ObvioHealth and Hyfe AI. I had an insightful experience working with innovative technology


For my senior design capstone, I partnered with ObvioHealth and Hyfe AI as a machine learning developer for 20 weeks. Even though it was a backend project, I gained valuable experiences throughout the entire process, from onboarding to the final showcase on campus. I am truly fascinated by the work I have accomplished and the impact it will have on the industry.

What I Learned

I never considered backend development as an area of interest. It was always difficult for me to stay motivated on work where I could not visually see the output. However, the opportunity to work on something so innovative pushed me out of my comfort zone. I am grateful to my project manager, Austin Lamb, and our research director, Brian Cohn, for emphasizing the importance of the project I worked on and connecting each task to the previous ones throughout our sprints. This helped me to visualize all the working parts of the project and understand the impact of my contributions towards the research goals.